Mega Auto Outlet Scammed Me

Everything on this site is my opinion or the opinion of others.

This site is to give you, the carbuyer, the head's up about the devious ways Mega Auto Loans conducts business. PLEASE consult the Better Business Bureau for more infomation after reviewing this website and before dealing with them.

The Scam

The Bait

I saw a Ford truck that was listed at $18,900 (all numbers rounded) on On or about May 5, 2023 I went to the address for a test drive and fell in love with the truck. I had a Cadillac to trade in for $10,000. I should have financed $8,900 plus warranty and tax etc. The Finance Manager showed me the expected numbers for financing, and I accepted the deal.

While working on processing the loan, the Finance Manager said it would be easier for them to buy my Cadillac, and then use it as a down payment instead of a trade-in credit.  Not knowing the difference, I said fine.

After signing all the additional paperwork, they took it away for "copying". They then handed me a folder that supposedly had all my paperwork.

The Switch

It is my fault. I do not deny that I did not check the folder close enough. The contract was not in the folder. I found this out when I went online to make my first payment. It was twice as much as expected. I checked the account, and it was to finance $23,000, which is around what it would be before subtracting my $10,000 down payment. I looked for the contract in the folder, under the seats, in the glovebox, everywhere. Nothing. However, I was operating under the impression this was just a clerical error that would easily be remedied.

I called the Finance Manager and said my account was missing $10,000.  She said she would look into it and call me back.  2 days later I called again, and she was out with a family emergency. Called again and she was out for a different reason. Called again, she finally answered and passed me to her manager.  I told the manager that I was missing my deposit. He said no, it's right on the contract. I said I didn't get a copy and could he please send me one. Reluctantly, it was emailed. The first one they sent me was WITHOUT MY SIGNATURE. When I looked at it I nearly passed out.

The Agony

The purchase price was $28,400! With the other stuff added on, it came to $33,000! And there it was, my $10,000, subtracted as a down payment AT THE END, to leave $23,000. This meant I was paying taxes on the FULL PURCHASE price, instead of having the purchase price reduced BEFORE taxes!

Once I caught my breath and calmed down, I asked how the purchase price jumped nearly $10,000. His reply: That's the interest THEY charged me for THEIR loan, that they then SOLD to a finance company. I calmly explained that's not how it works. He said this is how it's done in the auto business and who am I to tell him how to do his job. Still staying calm, I explained that he doesn't get to sell the loan with the interest, because he only had the loan for a day. He said again that's the way it's done, that I can go check any other dealer and see the same thing. Trying one more time, I tried to explain that under his way I'm paying double interest on the same loan, to them AND to the new lender.

He got irritated that I was questioning him, cut me off and hung up.

What I've Done

I called. Numerous times. Politely. Trying to understand. It's hard to understand when, in my opinion, they're not operating under the same rules of openness and deceny as the rest of society.

I've filed complaints with:

the Better Business Bureau

Federal Trade Comission

Virginia Office of the Attorney General


Please let me know if you have any other suggestions, email me below

Created this website for those who are thinking of using Mega Auto Outlets or those who have already been burned.


Please email me with your story and maybe we can help each other.